Edge of Water _Spa+Cafe
Seaholm Renovation International Competition Proposal, 2013 with Jeongseok Choi
Seaholm Intake building was used for the Seaholm Powerplant from 1950's to 1990's and has simple classic facade and historic meaning in downtown Austin. The building is located on the border of the river and I’d like to stress the character based on the water. So, I made a sort of threshold between land and water, between inside and outside, and finally between busy life and relaxing space. At the deepest bottom of the main building is very secret atmosphere like a cave. And the threshold of that has holy mood by using water and curtains. Moreover, I added the middle story. This is important because it makes one space link with another one gradually. And there is a sort of spectacle stand, which people can seat on and watch the views of river and spa zone.